Thursday, July 24, 2008

game time

i was recently in columbus, ohio visiting my family and friends. while there i was able to partake in the following activities:

1. tennis - i like to pretend i'm good.

2. bike riding - self explanatory.

3. cornhole - sacramento slinger is the way to go. this was basically my first time playing and once i switched my technique to the slinger i found that i'm pretty good.

4. arm wrestling - i lost to kristin and meg. i should start lifting weights or something.

5. high five game - i made this up and it turned out to be a big hit.

6. shrimp toss - this game was short-lived but funny while it lasted.

7. favorite dessert guessing - you can only pick one. mine is ice cream.

8. eating - eat a lot so you gain 20lbs in one week.

9. darts - i lost my touch.

10. would you rather - always entails two equally not enticing things, like working at a gas station or living in a gross, old, dirty apt building. i chose the gas station. meg chose the apt.

1 comment:

meg said...

pomg! this is hilarious and sounds so hill-billy! i love it. wait, i didn't choose the apt. building, did i? no way! i would def. choose the gas station!!! what was the high 5 game? you're funny byrdie! i like your bloggie blog.